Sunday, May 13, 2007

Spiritual Ceremony

The Sanskrit terms Brahman, Brahma, both from a root brh "to grow, increase", are used in various meanings (depending on the Vedic accent and grammatical gender). See Brahman#Semantics and pronunciation for more details:-

Brahman (bráhman, literally "growth", also "pious utterance, prayer", bráhma n.) is the Hindu idea of the formless transcendental immanent Divine, often in English called "the Brahman". Brahma (bráhma m.) is the Creator God, one of the trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara (Siva). There have been rare cases of "Brahma" and "(the) Brahman" being used in English with each others' meanings, e.g. in R.W. Emerson's poem titled "Brahma". Brahman (brahmán, not to be confused with bráhman above) is a Vedic Sanskrit word for "priest": see Vedic priest. A Brahmin, spelt "Brahman" (bráhman) in Sanskrit, is a person belonging to the Brahmins, the priestly caste among the four varnas. The Brahmanas are important Hindu canonical texts that are part of each of the Vedas.

Chaturanga (meaning, chatur=part of and anga= four. So my thinking after studying this concept was that chess derived from chaturanga. A spiritual path towards enlightenment by using the four elements Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. all of these elements were a shape like a half circle, a star, a square and a triangle. How were they used I have no idea I am still working on it when I know I will let you know, all I know is that we are talking many hundreds of years ago probably 720 AD. Many countries say that chess was invented by that particular country all I can say is it is one of the most interesting topics relating to a game, sport or those who have been playing for a while an it is more than art or science where one admires the magical path of the pieces.

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